Sound Healing
Sound healing is an ancient, therapeutic practice utilized in many cultures. Today’s sound healing combines instruments, including voice to create a space for the body to rest, decrease stress and elevate their well-being. The science behind this threads on the theory that when sound waves travel through a medium, they cause the particles in that medium to vibrate. Since the human body is made up of an average of 60% of water, the sound waves travel through the water in our bodies causing shifts on a cellular level, promoting healing and overall well-being.
Sound healing sessions are often referred to as sound baths or sound journeys. The idiation behind these terms is to bathe in the sounds, letting them wash over you while you feel the sound vibrations throughout your body. Different sound frequencies are believed to have different healing effects by utilizing a variety of instruments such as crystal singing bowls, tibetan bowls, gongs, drums and chimes to name a few to achieve certain frequencies and vibrations to allow the brain to slow down, massage the nervous system and allow for emotional release and healing.
During the sound bath, your mind will melt into deep relaxation and passive meditation. You will drop down into a Theta brainwave state, which is normally only present during a dream-like state during the sleep cycle. This state of being can remove mental blocks and promote creativity, intuitive insights and spiritual Connection. Other benefits of sound healing include:
- Allow muscle relaxation
- Improved lymphatic flow
- Improve focus and
- Concentration
- Reduce anxiety
- Reduce fatigue
- Reduce pain and inflammation
- Increased awareness
- Clear energy blocks